Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not enough time in the day

I'm headed to Munich for Oktoberfest tomorrow morning the ungodly hour of 3 a.m., but I haven't blogged in a while so I'll throw up some pictures quickly before I take a nap. And be sure to click on the pictures to make them bigger! I promise I'll write a real post ASAP!

Inside the Foreign Commonwealth Office:

Outside the Royal Courts of Justice:

More Royal Courts of Justice:
Before Billy Elliot:

Lunch from my Thursday adventure to the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms:

Inside the Globe Theater where I saw As You Like It and Troilus and Cressida as a Groundling (which basically just means you have to stand for the whole show):

St. Paul's Cathedral:

Outside the play 39 steps (based on the Hitchcock movie):

The rainbow London Eye during the Thames River Festival:

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. i love your pictures of food and posts about thursdays (adventure alone days)

    please survive oktoberfest and tell me about it! we'll for sure skype soon :) -mlk

  2. caroline update us more/ skype with me! hahah bring me home a german mug!
